Coingecko 发布 2024 加密叙事排行榜:Meme 称王,AI、RWA、Solana 生态崛起
【GPT】Coingecko 报告显示,2024 年加密市场叙事多样化,Meme 币和 AI 成为最大赢家,分别占据 14.36% 和 15.67% 的关注度。RWA 和 DePIN 等新兴叙事热度上升,Solana 和 Base 生态系统表现强劲。相比之下,游戏叙事热度下降,而基础设施类叙事保持稳定。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
Recently, World Liberty Financial (hereinafter referred to as WLFI), which has close ties with the Trump family, has frequently purchased ETH, LINK, AAVE, ENA, etc., triggering a follow-up craze in the market and becoming an indicator that cannot be ignored in the crypto investment market.
原文标题:5 narratives to watch in 2025.原文作者:0xNairolf,加密 Kol原文编译:zhouzhou,BlockBeats编者按:本文展望了...
【GPT】Coingecko 报告显示,2024 年加密市场叙事多样化,Meme 币和 AI 成为最大赢家,分别占据 14.36% 和 15.67% 的关注度。RWA 和 DePIN 等新兴叙事热度上升,Solana 和 Base 生态系统表现强劲。相比之下,游戏叙事热度下降,而基础设施类叙事保持稳定。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
AiPool, which is backed by ai16z founder Shaw, and, which has attracted much attention from the market, both use Phala Network's TEE technology to issue coins, which has once again attracted community attention to the active projects in the Polkadot ecosystem during the last bull market.
【GPT】OpenAI正探索开发类人机器人,但优先级低于其核心技术。比特币矿企2024年表现分化,仅7家实现正回报,矿工收入超710亿美元。美英欧加强加密税务监管,投资者需关注合规。Coinbase CEO股票价值大涨,PEPE社区持仓活跃。圣诞假期加密市场流动性减弱,比特币期权痛点或失效。Solana自2023年9月起持续净资本流入,推动增长与价格上涨。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
来源:链上数据分析师 Murphy筹码结构决定着 BTC 价格回调的下限每一次推动市场情绪变化的事件发生,都伴随链上换手量的突然...
一张图带你了解Story Protocol如何保护你的创作?
【GPT】Quantum Biology DAO(QuantumBioDAO)是一项致力于推动量子生物学研究与应用的去中心化组织,近期通过代币拍卖筹集了约688.6万美元,远超预期目标。量子生物学研究探索生物系统中的量子效应,涉及健康、环境、量子计算等领域。QuantumBioDAO 通过研究所、DAO和孵化器三大实体协作,推动技术开发、商业化及公众教育,计划通过代币经济、IP许可和仪器研发等多元化模式实现可持续发展。来源于MarsBit专栏作家KarenZ
Recently, World Liberty Financial (hereinafter referred to as WLFI), which has close ties with the Trump family, has frequently purchased ETH, LINK, AAVE, ENA, etc., triggering a follow-up craze in the market and becoming an indicator that cannot be ignored in the crypto investment market.
一张图带你了解Story Protocol如何保护你的创作?
In the current bull market environment of the crypto market, tracks such as DeFi, AI, Meme launch, AI and games have shown unique advantages and huge development potential.